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D.O.G.S. image of Leche (rescue dog). Let today be the day for change.

“I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being.”

~ Abraham Lincoln

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Advocacy and D.O.G.S.

Dogs Of A Good Society makes good on its name by advocating for societal policies that help animals.

In 2014 , for the first time, D.O.G.S. team and friends attended the Humane Lobby Day the Minnesota Capitol, allied with other animal groups including the Humane Society of the United States.

We met with legislators and asked them to support two key bills: One creating standards for pet breeders and an enforcement mechanism (the “Breeder Bill”), and another creating the opportunity for adoptable dogs and cats that were used in research to be taken in by rescue organizations (the “Beagle Freedom Bill”).

And our efforts paid off! Both historic bills passed the Legislature and were signed into law by the Governor. Next year, we have even bigger plans.

In 2016 , we presented a resolution to prevent unnecessary and inhumane police shootings towards dogs, with a call to additional police training. We attended our local Caucuses on March 1st, 2016, to work with the community and legislation for the cause. More information available, including how to locate your Caucus: Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State.

In 2019 D.O.G.S. board members and friends will be attending the Humane Lobby at the State Capitol on Tuesday, February 19. We advocated for trapping regulations, gas chamber wipe outs, and more animal rights laws! 

To get involved in our advocacy work, please EMAIL US or send a message on our CONTACT US page!

Check out these links for more about Minnesota’s new Beagle Freedom Law and the Breeder Regulation Law! Every year since 2014 we have represented and had a presence for animals. 

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